Out of the ashes... and into the sunlight
This page is dedicated to some of those dogs that came to us at the brink of death and overcame all odds to live out wonderful lives. Some were the victims of horrific abuse. Some were the victims of abandonment. All were the victims of profound neglect by the people who should have loved them and cared for them.
We are so grateful they came to us and we are eternally grateful to those of you who helped:
Those who donated to their care
Those who kept them safe while we tried to find a safe spot for them
Those who drove or flew long miles to bring them to us
Those who took them in to foster & to nurse back to health
Those who prayed with us that they could be saved.
So, here we have "out of the ashes" and into the sunlight!
Bella's story...
In the devastating Louisiana floods of early 2016, a farmer found Bella huddled in a dark corner of his out building. She was terrified, cold, wet and starving. He kept her safe until we could figure out how to get her from several hundred miles away. Finally, she arrived. Still terrified and afflicted with heartworms, liver disease and the devastating effects of starvation. We had sweet Bella for more than a year while we carefully nursed her back to health. She now lives with her new family as the cherished, pampered dog she was meant to be

Bella then...
Bella now....

Maisie's story...
We found Maisie on the euthanasia list at a high kill shelter in West TN. It takes alot now to horrify us but we were horrified at Maisie's condition. She was so severely starved that our vet estimated she would have only lived a few more days. Animal control had found her huddled under a downtown bridge. Maisie had heartworms and was so traumatized she wanted to hide from everything and everyone. It took months of medical care and love to rebuild her health and her trust in humans. Today she lives a happy, quiet life with her human momma and a few other dog friends.

Maisie then....
Maisie now...

Toby's story
We found Toby near death and completely out of hope in a small, rural shelter in TN. Like many others, he was close to death from neglect. When we took him out of the shelter he smelled so bad we had to roll down all the windows in the car. He went straight to the vet. They estimated that he was about 12 yrs old, heartworm positive and probably hadn't eaten much at all in the 2 weeks he was in the shelter. We were only able to give Toby 3 additional months of life. His heartworm disease was too advanced. But, in that time, he was well loved, slept on a soft bed, ate hearty, healthy food and was cherished. In his final moments, those who had loved him through all this were there with him. We were privileged to have known him.

Toby when we found him...

Toby before we
lost him...

Fluffy's story...

Fluffy was a stray girl on the streets of Memphis and was picked up by animal control and taken to the Memphis shelter. There, we found her... mostly starving, heartworm positive, covered in fleas/ticks and mange and clearly suffering. We found a dedicated, loving foster home for her and nursed her back to health. Here she is today, wearing her pearls